Survey:What Speakers Do You Want To Demo in Store?

If you had carte blanche to select what demo speakers a dealer would display, what lines would you like to be able to hear? Magnepan is a given, but what else? Please try to avoid super speakers in the astronomical price category; I'm looking for real world products under 10k. What do you guys want to hear?

Showing 2 responses by rlwainwright

Tannoy, Gallo, Pioneer (Andrew Jones-designed), MBL, Tekton, KEF, Salk, Magnepan, Golden Ear, and Avant Garde. This would give one a wide range of prices and design briefs...

Bruce, I would think that a 150 wpc tube amp would be quite sufficient. Audiogon member "dopogue" uses an EL34 (I *think*) tube amp to drive his Gallo speakers to *very* satisfactory levels.

One thing though, his amp is a custom-built jobbie with massive transformers. This gives him ample current supply, a must, IMHO, for getting good bass from your speakers.

You might want to ping Dave (dopogue) and get his thoughts...
