Surround Sound Pre-Amp

I'm switching from two channel to 5.1; passive speakers to active. I was thinking of Outlaw 990 for a pre, it has two sub outs and balanced connections. Thoughts? I'm open as to what direction to go here, although my funds are more in line with the Outlaw price or another brand used. Bottom line: maybe two subs and all active speakers in a surround system.

Any and all thoughts on a pre are appreciated.

Thank You

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

If you'd like to have a new pre-pro with good sound and a 5 year warranty, you should definitely check out the Emotiva MMC-1. They are on sale right now for $699 + shipping. Go to their website and take a look - I think you'll find it to be a better value than the Outlaw. I also think it looks better, too.

One advantage to buying Emotiva right now is that they'll give you 40% off their next generation of pre-pros just for buying a current pre-pro now.

This is what I did in anticipation of their new models coming out later this Summer. And you do not trade-in your current unit, you keep it! That's a *smokin'* deal...
