Surge Protection for Bryston 14BSST

I just purchased a Bryston 14BSST amp. I am interested in buying a good surge protector. According to Bryston, they do not recommend any type of power conditioning. Can someone suggest a high-quality surge protector that won't restrict power to the amp? BTW, Bryston recommends their Torus products. But $2K seems a bit over the top. Thank you.
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It seems that alot of amplifier companies suggest this.
However, I struggled with the same delema of wanting to protect my investment. I use a McIntosh mc352 and have it plugged into a richard gray 400 pro. It has 6000 watts of on demand power. I don't know all the technical aspects of it but I know my system sounds much better since the purchase of it as well as my peace of mind. For more info go to
Maybe they don't get lightning or power spikes in Canada, but I would suggest any surge protection is better than none. 110-120 volts, 60 watts, 120 cycles is what should come out of an electrical outlet and that is what your equipment was designed to use. Any surge protection or power conditioner that gives you those specs should be fine. There is emi, rfi, and power drops on a power line. I have never heard a system using a power conditioner that sounded worse for using it. I know others disagree.