Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody

I will have a Supratek Chenin in my set up in a day or so. Since so many folks are rolling tubes around here I was hoping to garner a comprehensive list of everybodies favorite tube compliments. Be it NOS or NIB or WLATB (Whatever's layin around the basement)
Being that the "Deal of the Century" thread is a little more like a novel I figured this would be a good place to post questions and answers related to one subject of Supratek amps and pres.
On to the subject of me. I don't have immediate plans to swap tubes as I've figured that Mr. Maloney would supply us with something listenable for the break in period. But, since so many have reported such dramatic improvments I want to ask this question:
What is your favorite compliment for quietest gain and dynamics in the phono stage?
I will be using the Chenin exclusively for vinyl ( I don't have a CD player) and listen to loads of early rock and roll and Jazz bands, smaller jazz bands mostly, quartets and quintets. Some classical, the usual Beethoven and Mozart, but usually just a lot of loud garage rock.
Ok, now lets see what happens.

Showing 30 responses by raytheprinter

Wc65mustang,They only have one used one in stock,,Thanks Ecclectique,Let me know if you find any!Thanks,Man,,,these seem to be hard to find NOS ! I have a used pr. of Sylvanias and Brimers,that sound good,but not as smooth and clean as the NOS,NIB pr.Tungsols
thanks Jazzdude,,im really looking forward to trying some NOS,ive been moving my ICs around a bit,and am amazed at the diff. i now hear with the Chard in my system,i seem to prefer the middle gain setting on back of unit,too much gain seems to fatten up the sound ,too little it seems thin
hello Mc5baby,great thread!Im looking forward to reading responses from Supratek owners,,,
I ordered a Bendix 6106,ill wait till i have a couple hundred hours on the stock tubes before installing it,and then only use it while im at work for a couple weeks to avoid the break in,,as Bwhite stated this tube does not sound good untill broken in,,
Fiddler, check your dictionary!!!!!knowledgeable,,hee hee,i guess i spelled it right,,,do i hear an apology??
hello Fiddler,i ordered a 6106 from tubedepot,should be here tue. looks like they have more in stock
well,i have almost 2 weeks on the 6106,the rest of my tubes are stock,compared to the sovtek 5ar4,the 6106 is much clearer all around,better defined and tighter bass,much more enjoyable ,,,im not sure that its fully broken in yet,now to decide on which NOS to try for the 6sn7 and 5881,i like tight bass,WITH SOME WEIGHT,texture,truth of timbre,holographic imaging,no softening of notes,,and a little money left in my bank account,,open to sugg.
Slowhand,i would be interested in the Ken Rads,ill email you,thanks ,,Jazzdude,thanks,im going to do a little research on the tubes you mentioned,ill email you with any questions,Ray
the stock tubes did not sound bad in my Chard. ,it did take close to a month for everything to fall into place.Im now using;rectifier;Bendix6106 regulator;TungSol 6L6WGB linestage;KenRad 6SN7GT/VT231,much better than stock tubes,Thank you Slowhand!ive been looking for 350Bs with no luck,so many more tubes to try!
Ecclectique,great description of the GEs, i put a pair in and found the midrange to be a little thin with the 6106,i put the Sovtek 5AR4 back in and was rewarded with a very clear,sound with great bass,large solid soundstage,good low level detail,and SOME of the midrange magic of the kenrads,def more presence,,using Tungsol 6L6GTB for reg. i still prefer the Kenrad black glass,6106,6L6GTB combo,the 5AR4,GE6SN7,6L6GTB combo is a good low cost set of tubes for my system.I dont have a great amount of exp. with tube swapping but i know good sound when i hear it!i also have a Westinghouse 5V4G ive yet to try in rect. Boy this is great fun!!!!!!Also,thanks for all the great info guys!
Ecclectique,i sure feel pressured to find the combination of tubes i like best, and buy a lifetime supply of them,before the cost gets beyond my reach!Your response is very well written,even i understood it ,thanks.Would it be possible to add a tube socket to each channel on a standard Supratek preamp ?
Ecclectique,Thank you! Im still trying to decide how i feel about the 5V4G,,will report back in a few days!Did i already mention how much i like the Kenrads!!!
Iwas wondering if any of the NOS 6SN7s sound close to the KR VT231s,,RCA maybe?
Ecclectique,thanks for the info!I think im getting over my somewhat irrational fear that the worlds supply of good NOS tubes is going to dry up before i can aquire a lifetime supply for my Chardonney,,,,
Wc65mustang,I think Ecclectique and Jazzdude are very knowledgeable and very helpfull guys ,,,please be nice,
Fiddler,hee hee ,i never did win many spelling bees,i do know that some tubes sound better to my ears than the stock tubes in my Chardonney,i wish i did prefer the stock tubes,sure would be easier on my bank account! hope i didnt spell anything wrong!Peace,and happy listening to all!PS. i think you fergot a coma,,,,
Kgturner,thanks for pointing that out ,ive noticed a lot of good folks here make errors in spelling,or dont begin thier sentences with capital letters,as you know!!!!So what!I just thought id point out above that i did spell knowledgeable right,,i checked my dictionary!anyway ,enough of this,,i also am using a bendix6106 with kenrad black glass vt231,kenrad 6f6g and love this combo,ill have to check out the 5932syou mentioned,,,peace
I might be getting a pair of Tungsol roundplates soon,,ive read so many good things about them,,has Tungsol made any other good 6sn7 besides these?my apologys straying off thread!
I just recieved a pair of NIN,NOS,Tungsol 6F6Gs ST,Boy do these sound good,using them with RCA grey glass VT231,and stock 5AR4 Sovtek,great combo in my Chardonnay!
Hello guys,concerning my response above ;i love how these tubes sound,id like to get another pair just like them,how can i make sure im getting the same tube?on the glass it has the stop sign shape w/6F6G-G1M ,on the base it has the number 322136,any info would be great!Thanks,Ray
Thanks,I will have to try a pair soon!I always wanted to try a pair WE-350B,,,but the price,,,forget it!!!!The Valve Art s sound very interesting,thanks for posting!
Ait,Sounds good,I have a Mullard GZ-37 that works well in my stock Chardonnay,I tried the GZ-32,,and 33,but the 37 sounded better in my system,not by leaps and bounds ,,but noticeably better.I will try the VA 350Bs soon.And post my thoughts,thanks,Ray