Supra Sword speakercable:

Hallo out there,
Do any one have any experiences with Supra Sword speakercable?

Showing 2 responses by astock

Ryder, I've had Supra Sword speaker cables for nearly two years and have never regretted the choice. They perform as advertised and as reviewed. I lent my pair to a friend who ran them between his YBA amp and Rogers LS3/5a (now Penaudio Charismas) and he bought a pair within weeks.
Twelve years ago I responded to audioangel's initial inquiry offering my positive opinion of Supra Sword cables. Coming across this recent post from zemanel has given me the opportunity to reflect on the time that has passed. Since then, 2008, every component in my system has been selectively replaced with the exception of an Acoustic Revive distribution block and the Supra Sword cables.