Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 

Showing 4 responses by noske

I'm waiting on some generic gear I ordered from China in July.  It may or may not have something to do with the CCP's current policy about anything and everything to do with the country in which I am domiciled.

Humans are flexible and there will be adaption. And the golden rule applies - he who has the gold can make the rules.

This is true.  However I find that increasingly it is the bureaucrats with their white boards and regulations who are making the rules, not the market with its price mechanism and human ingenuity.
Folk in East Germany who wanted to buy a car were put on a waiting list.  Maybe ten years later they might take delivery of a brand new 500cc 2 stroke Trabant, with a body made predominately from recycled material.

We're not quite there yet.
Other things besides steel/metal necessary to ongoing supply are plastics, ammonia and cement.  Perhaps incidental, but nevertheless.

Requires lots of energy by way of electricity.  Need coal.  Lots.

China relies on Australia for thermal coal.  China has not been accepting or processing coal from Australia for quite some time (a year?).  Lots of fully laden ships of coal sitting nearby which are now only being unloaded (slowly), not because they have decided to like Australia, but because they have to.