Supex SDX-1100r Phono Cartridge

Anybody own or know anything about this cartridge?  I see one for sale on Ebay that would probably need a retip soon.

I owned a Supex sd-900 cartridge many years ago, and I really liked it.

Does anyone know if I can still get a retip done on this cartridge?  If so, who can do it?

Any info would be appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @vinylzone : Good that you enjoyed that kind of quality cartridge level.

If you still have and the cartridge needs to be re-tipped my recomendation is that instead to stay with Ruby cantilever go for a Boron cantilever, I think will performs even better.

Btw, in those all times when  showed up in the market ( 1981 ) the SDX1100R was the below/one step from the Supex top of the line that was the SDX 1100D. The price in Japan was 70K Yens for the R and 280K Yens for the D.

Both in a totally different league that any other Supex model.

Dear @psychoticreaction :  I own it and it's a great cartridge and way different to the other Supex models. Recomended.

The other persons that posted here has no single idea of the 100 very high quality levels, so you can't took their advices as a " true ".

Perhaps the only one that could listened it is mijostyn but I don't know for sure.

Yes, that Supex can be fixed for SounSmith or other re-tipper.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,