Can anyone make a suggestion as to finding a perfect mate for the Superphon Revelation II Preamp with Phono Stage?
I am speaking of a power amp that would go well with this pre amp.
Rsfphil , you have answered my question as far as why this is not a good pairing.
Can you make a suggestion for a power amp that would work well.
The combination of the Lazarus Cascade Basic pre amp, ( which I had upgraded by none other than George Romero, himself, to a premium quality ) paired with the Counterpoint SA 100 is a match made in heaven as far as HiFi reproduction is concerned. I use the volume control as gain and the R and L attenuators act as separate volume controls for each speaker; plus right and minus left.
I have an Ella Fitzgerald album with Stan Getz and a small ensemble of jazz musicians which was recorded in HiFi and it just sounds great when I switch over to plus right and minus left on The Lazarus pre amp.
The album is titled Like Someone in Love.