Super Amp?

Hi AuGoNers,
Currently i am using cary 2a3 with my uno and trying to pursue a 300B SET amp,but lately i ran into people mention about the DECWARE ZEN and seem like those who own one love it to death..Would this be a better investment then the 300B for my avantgarde Uno? would this amp be better then my cary 2A3? please help...

Showing 1 response by reubent

I have heard several systems using the Decware Zen Select amp and they can sound very good. However, the Zen prefers a 2 ohm load and may not be at its best with your speakers.

The Decware Amp is very inexpensive relative to your speakers. It may be a good match, but it may be outclassed by your speakers.

If you are looking for a great low powered amp, I heard the Moth Audio 45 based amp in the same system as a Decware Zen and it is probably the best low powered amp I've personally ever heard. It is in the $2000 range brand new which is about triple the price of a Zen. Depending on where your budget falls, either of these may be a best value.
