Sunfire subs

It seems that whenever someone asks about a recommendation for a sub it's always Velodyne, Rel, HSU, Rythmic, etc. Sunfire is never mentioned. Some years back, when the TS-EQ12 came on the scene I read an article in TAS that paired it with the Mag 3.6's and called it the proverbial "match made in heaven". I had 3.6's at that time paired with an M&K sub. I bought the Sunfire and it was like night and day. I now have it paired with my Mag 3.7's. I was wondering if there's something wrong with the Sunfires. I've never had a problem.(knock wood) Why do they never get any attention?

Showing 1 response by sarcher30

I owned a TSEQ12. Before that I owned a cheap M&K sub. The Sunfire definately beat out the M&K. It was tighter and much louder. That said it leaves much to be desired compared to sota designs. IMO it is still muddy and bloated compared to the best. It has plenty of output though. The best I have heard was a REL Studio III. Cleaner and deeper bass.

My current speakers do not require a sub. If I had a bigger room and money burning a hole in my pocket I would get 2 Studio IIIs and call it good.