Sunfire: Holographic Imaging Opinions


Let me start off my saying that you can find my system by searching "Man Cave System". It should give you a good description of the equipment and room environment. With that out of the way, my question is:

When listening to 2 channel music, do you use the Holographic imaging or not? What do you like about it if you use it? What do you dislike about it if you don't use it?

Thanks for your opinions,

Showing 2 responses by mitch4t

I don't use it. I tried it for a week and I just can't take it seriously for 2 channel listening. You may get different results than me though, our listening rooms and are vastly different. What do you think of the hologrphic imaging?

You may check out my system.
Yeah, I think it's just a matter of personal taste. I actually use the Sunfire for home theater you can see, I have three preamps in my system, the Sunfire, the Audio Research LS-10 pre for 2-channel cd and the Carver tube preamp for phono.

The holographic thing is probably system dependent. Diffent strokes for different folks.