suggestons on speaker cable that boost mid and upper bass

Hello, I am looking for speaker cables that can significantly boost mid and upper bass with high resolution. I am using connex audio speaker cables with 32 cores of 0.6mm diameter silver wires each channel. HF is beautiful but I would like to have more body on the sound, without degrading the HF and resolution. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. 

Showing 3 responses by melbguy1

Bigdish, you didn’t mention what your budget is, however Siltech Royal Signature series cables have good bass. Wojciech Pacula noted in his review of the Siltech Ruby Double Crown power cable for Enjoy the Music that they "slightly highlighting the frequency band around 100 Hz". From my experience, the same should be true of the Royal Sig series speaker cables.

Also, the Royal Signature series cables sound warm, harmonically rich, quiet, resolving and very smooth. Tonal color is just right and not over-saturated. Plenty of meat on the bones if you’re missing that with your current wire. Build quality is also superb, though make sure you buy from an authorized Dealer as there are plenty of cheap Chinese knock offs on Ebay. There are a million other cables out there, but I can give them a qualified recommendation.
YW. Within yur budget, you could pick up a pair of either single wire or biwire Cardas Audio Clear Beyond cables around $4500. Those cables won Stereo Mojo’s ’Maximum Mojo’ award & should give you the qualities you’re after. This biwire pair are new and the guy is also offering free insured shipping in the US & will carry the Paypal fee - I did see another pair of single wire versions in mint condition with free shipping also.
I’d return back to my original suggestion; Siltech Royal Signature series. It might be possible to source genuine dealer demo cables at good prices...particularly after CES.