Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??

Budget <$3500. Would prefer new but not ruling out newer used. Do not need a phono stage or DAC, so linestage (tubed not ss) - but don't want passive...need some gain.

Just starting to put together a short list. Looking to upgrade the Consonance Reference 50 pre I'm using. Hoping to find dealers allowing in-home audition or money back trial period.

On the list so far:
Doge 8 SCR
Eastern Electric Minimax
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium

Checked past threads to see if this might have been covered. Couldn't find it. If there's something relatively current I missed, do please point me to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 2 responses by jafox

Ghost - The Callisto is more $ for good reason….the Calypso sounds like a toy compared to the Callisto.
Ghost- I am not surprised by your observations with the products with tubed power supplies. For whatever reason, there is something magical dimensionally with tube rectifiers. If you end up with a product using the EZ80, the Amperex Bugle Boy is incredible .... And very cheap on ebay even if used. They last very very long.