Suggestions please: upgrade from Dynaudio S1.4

I have wanted to upgrade my speakers for a while, but did not have a chance to really working on it. My system consists Accuphase DP-77, Accuphase E-530 and a pair of Dynaudio S1.4. I always liked Dynaudio speakers, and had moved up from their Audience line years ago.

Now the speakers seems to be the weak part in my system (at least price wise. Make no mistake, I loved the S1.4, both the sound and the look) Speakers I considered were Dynaudio's own C1 and S5.4 and was more inclined to the big S5.4 because I mostly listen to classical orchestra work and piano (the lower registers of piano never sounded "great" on S1.4)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by okocza

My advice: try separated amplification Accuphase gear like A45 + C2810. It would be perfect to make your Contours sing.

I've compared Contour S1.4 to Special 25 and found no real advantages of the S25 (which is dedicated for bigger rooms that S1.4), just better resolution, more highs and more dynamics (due to a bigger woofer). But Contour S1.4 aren't tipped on the top end so may be regarded as more forgiving for bad recordings. In terms of dynamics, tha S1.4 are astonishing for its woofer size.