Suggestions please: upgrade from Dynaudio S1.4

I have wanted to upgrade my speakers for a while, but did not have a chance to really working on it. My system consists Accuphase DP-77, Accuphase E-530 and a pair of Dynaudio S1.4. I always liked Dynaudio speakers, and had moved up from their Audience line years ago.

Now the speakers seems to be the weak part in my system (at least price wise. Make no mistake, I loved the S1.4, both the sound and the look) Speakers I considered were Dynaudio's own C1 and S5.4 and was more inclined to the big S5.4 because I mostly listen to classical orchestra work and piano (the lower registers of piano never sounded "great" on S1.4)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by meiwan

If you love what you've got, don't mess with it. Price is not a good indicator in system matching. Lots of people use lower priced monitors with high end electronics. Good speakers don't need to cost big bucks. If you're simply looking for more bottom end that's a different story. But be careful. I've been through the moving up the line to get more bass thing, and ended up going back to where I started. (Aerial 5 to 6 to 7b, now back to 5). Better bass usually introduces lots of room acoustics issues