Suggestions on replacement AV processor...

I am looking for suggestions on an AV processor. I have been looking at the Krell HTS, Krell AV Standard, Lexicon MC1, Proceed PAV/PDSD, CAL, B&K, Meridian... Just too many.

I really want great 2 channel for music, and great surround sound. Is this possible? Should I separate the 2 channel from the surround system?

My current setup is Cary 300SE Amp, Cary 303 CD player, JM Labs Utopia speakers, Transparent Audio super cables. Yes, no preamp, it blew up! Thats why I am in the market for another.

I have a budget of aprox. $4000.

Showing 1 response by slartibartfast

I recently purchased a Krell HTS. The Krell is fantastic for movies but not very good with 2 channel. This isn't an issue for me as I run the digital output of the Krell to my external DAC.

In terms of having to have seperate HT and audio systems, I strongly disagree. The problem I always had with the two was sticking a TV between my two speakers. I avoided this problem by purchasing a DLP projector with a retractable screen. My audio is set up optimally for music and the HT is an "add-on" that doesn't get in the way. I am blown away by what a great video system can do when matched to the same caliber as a high-end audio system.