Suggestions on replacement AV processor...

I am looking for suggestions on an AV processor. I have been looking at the Krell HTS, Krell AV Standard, Lexicon MC1, Proceed PAV/PDSD, CAL, B&K, Meridian... Just too many.

I really want great 2 channel for music, and great surround sound. Is this possible? Should I separate the 2 channel from the surround system?

My current setup is Cary 300SE Amp, Cary 303 CD player, JM Labs Utopia speakers, Transparent Audio super cables. Yes, no preamp, it blew up! Thats why I am in the market for another.

I have a budget of aprox. $4000.

Showing 1 response by mark_skjerve

Sorry, I'd have to strongly disagree with the last post "Spending money on an expensive highend processor is (sorry everyone)a waste of money". A decent HT processor is NOT a waste of money at all. You have to consider that most cable, offair and DBS sources are not Dolby 5.1 or DTS. A cheaper processor would be ok if it all was, but this is simply not the case, so further processing is required such as Lexicon's Logic-7, Fosgate/Citation 6-axis, Meridian's Prologic II, etc. These processing modes work wonders on non 5.1 or DTS programs. If you HT is just for listening to DVD's, I guess you could go with a cheaper processor, but if you wish to hear decent sound from other sources, a higher end processor is a MUST HAVE! I seldom, if ever, take my Lexicon out of Logic-7 mode, even with 5.1 and DTS encoded programming, as it sounds great without the horrible DSP modes that a Sony processor uses.

My thoughts anyway..