Suggestions on replacement AV processor...

I am looking for suggestions on an AV processor. I have been looking at the Krell HTS, Krell AV Standard, Lexicon MC1, Proceed PAV/PDSD, CAL, B&K, Meridian... Just too many.

I really want great 2 channel for music, and great surround sound. Is this possible? Should I separate the 2 channel from the surround system?

My current setup is Cary 300SE Amp, Cary 303 CD player, JM Labs Utopia speakers, Transparent Audio super cables. Yes, no preamp, it blew up! Thats why I am in the market for another.

I have a budget of aprox. $4000.

Showing 1 response by argent

Speaking as someone who has had both setups (2 seperate system and now 1 system) I say you need to weigh your priorities. I 2ch music is what you really love, then you need two systems. You will be happy with nothing less. I do agree that the Bryston is a good compromise, but there better 2ch preamps out there. Not to mention that in a HT setup you have a projection tv and 4 or 5 other speakers radiating when you listen to 2ch. Myself, I had to consolodate (the upgrades for both systems were just getting too expensive). If you have the cash, two systems is really the way to go. From the brands you listed I like Proceed (mine), Meridian (if only I had the cash for their complete digital system), Bryston (excellent warranty), and B&K (excellent choice if you have 2 separate systems). Good luck.