Suggestions for small bookshelf speakers?

I want to set up a second system for the bedroom. I have to set a size limitation on the speaker of about 8"x10"x12". I also want the speakers to look pretty nice.

I'm new to bookshelf monitors. Off-hand I'm thinking of Totem Model 1's, Meadowlark Swallow or Vireo, Sonus Faber Concertinos, NHT Super One's, etc. I want spacious sound at low to moderate volumes for jazz, blues, vocals and some rock. I welcome any suggestions.

I'm planning on using a tube integrated amp. Budget for the amp and speakers is around $2K. That means a budget int. amp such as Jolida or S.F. leaving about $1300 for speakers or else a better amp such as Rogue or C.J. leaving about $800 for speakers. Any suggestions on how to balance the cost would also be appreciated.


The speakers will be set on a low dresser about 4 ft. apart. The room is alsmost square, 12' by 14'. The speakers wiil be in the center of on of the shorter walls.
I have heard a red rose with the plannar tweeter connected to the linn classik and the sound was wonderful for such a set up. I was amazed at the base response as well as the overall sound. You may have to look long and hard for the speakers at that price but it is worth it.
You should check out a pair of the Von Schweikert VR-1 . They retail for 1k and sound awesome. The top end is precise and crisp without sounding tinny and if you are putting them close to the rear wall the base is no problem. But better yet, you will still get a great and deep soundstage. To me they sound like the best electrostatics with a great rich base to-boot. The finish on these speakers are the iceing on the cake. It is mirror smooth and the colors and the grain patterns of the wood rival any of the 10k+ speakers that I have seen. You can't go wrong with a pair of these!
Buy a lower priced small monitors and install Mi-Horn. Mi-Horn will give you a musical satisfaction in small monitors. Also, if you have a sub-woofer, Mi-Horn will give you a good balance between powerful low bass and mid and high frequencies. The speaker with Mi-Horn will sound clearer and musical. If you have seen Burmester B99 (, you will see why Mi-Horn will sound great.
Personal favorite these days is the green mountain audio europa. High build quality, effortless seamless sound, rock solid package - and within your budget. I'm considering them for a second room for myself.