Suggestions for preamp compatible with Pass X250?

Recently bought a used Pass X250. Seems like it needs a pre with higher gain to me. I'm thinking something with a phono stage with low output moving coil capability would be optimum and eliminate a box. Tubes or solid state, so far considering Audible Illusions, BAT.

Any other suggestions?? Would like to keep it under $2000 used

Showing 1 response by jeffjazz

Suggest going for a tubed preamp, but make sure it can drive the low impedance of the Pass Amp. I have a X150 amp and have run it with a Supratek and a Modwright. The modwright gain is a little high meaning that you can turn the volume up too much with efficient speakers. Not a problem for me since I have inefficient Eminent tech speakers. I am selling the Modwright, but I may keep it and sell the Supratek. Both great preamps that do different things better. The original X series Pass amps need a little warmth on the preamp. It think the Pass preamp would not give it to you.