Suggestions for phono preamp for LOMC's

I am looking for a phono preamp that will work with LOMC cartridges.   Budget up to $2500 but would be quite happy spending significantly less.  I have about $10k invested in my table/arm so any appropriate suggestions would be appreciated.   New or used would be fine.


My recommendation is to get a phono preamp designed specifically for LOMCs. Over the years I have pretty much limited my phono cartridges to the low output variety because they seem to sound best in my system.  The phono preamp I use is the Paradox Phono 70 Signature.  This unit replaced one in my system that cost $6K and bested it by no small margin.  Good luck in your search.

I second the suggestion for a Chinook. I recommend keeping an eye out on all the "sites" for one that has a set of upgrade opamps in it. 

A Modwright SWP 9.0 SE, an older discontinued model, is specifically designed for LOMC cartridges and is an excellent American made tube unit. Dan Wright, the founder and owner, is accessible and helpful. Used units fit within your budget. You can also look for used or demo units of the newer models, but they will likely exceed your budget. Highly detailed, quiet without an excessively “tubey” sound. Great frequency extension at both top and bottom and natural instrument timbres. The Music Room is a dealer and occasionally has used units as owners move up to more costly models.