Suggestions for bookshelf speakers that have great dynamics, budget of $500 used.

So I really do not know where to start with bookshelf speakers as not been in the market for any for ever it seems.
This is for a second system where a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 3i are currently doing duty.
Room is largish and open but ultimate sq is not the aim as it is occasional use only, but when I do fire this rig up I usually like to play fairly loud.
Sources are many, fm radio, cassette tape, vinyl and streaming.
I have plenty of horses to feed them so even inefficient models can be considered.
Prefer to buy used as big savings to be had obviously and already broken in.
So suggestions around a maximum price break of $500 used.
Thank you in advance.

Showing 20 responses by uberwaltz

One thing that really helps is the fact they are being driven by a brute of a vintage receiver that has been recapped.
And it has those items that had Audiophools running in horror but are darn useful IMHO.
Yes tone controls( bass and treble), a loudness button and low and high filters.

Refined is a good description indeed.
Smooth but powerful and not rolled off but not harsh.
Yes refined.
And yes it does not hurt any that they look good to boot.
For the application of second system I can see them staying for quite some time.
Well after living with the Haydn's for a few weeks I am happy in my choice.

The bass and mids have a lot more texture, timbre and solidity compared to the old MA speakers.

The treble is a little softer in delivery, not rolled off but just not as harsh or brittle as the MA were.

Now I am sure there were plenty of other competent speakers amongst the suggestion list and not saying these are the best but.....

As I was able to view and pick up local and pay cash it worked out very well for me.

I second that on the Polks.
I so very nearly pulled the trigger on a pair on ebay at $534
So $449 shipped is a true killer deal indeed!
Please do report back upon listening although as new you will need break them in but would still love to hear first impressions.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
TBH forgiving and neutral is probably for the good.
For sure they don't have that blam in your face presentation but that can get old very quickly.
I had a Lyra Dorian cart which was very direct and in your face and at first I was thrilled with it.
But that presentation ALL THE TIME soon wore me down and it became very fatiguing.

I certainly don't want that in my speakers
Obviously we will see as time goes one.
At this sort of price points it is no big deal if I end up not liking and want to try something else from the excellent suggestions here.
Tbh with my Sanyo receiver with tone controls I can boost the treble a little if needed, I could not really fix the perceived harshness of the Silver’s though when pushed.
I have already found out the Haydn are more critical of placement. I had a little too much bass boom and just moving the LH speaker 3 inch forward and 4 inch further apart and narrowing the toe in cured that entirely.
Oh and they absolutely need the port bungs in place in my application and location.
I certainly am a lot more aware of top shelf monitors around this price now so that is a very good thing indeed!
I cannot say as I would describe them as lush or warm but obviously a lot of that is system dependant.
I would say they are warmer on the very top end than the Silver 3i which is not a bad thing.
Mids sound about the same with vocals and acoustics being well detailed.
The bass might be a tad deeper but does appear to be more defined, especially as the volume is pushed where the Silver 3i could start sounding a little harsh and more "boomy"
Do not get me wrong the Silvers are mighty fine speakers for the money and I am talking louder than really comfortable levels and they are in a fairly large room.
Overall I am pretty happy with the Haydn,s.
Nice suggestions all for sure.

I did buy the Vienna Acoustics Haydn as they were immaculate and even set up in very poor location at his house they really sounded good.

Will be giving them a long road test tomorrow.
I deeply appreciate all the great suggestion that folks have come up with and I am now a lot wiser on monitor speakers!
I am going to look at a local pair of Vienna Haydn tomorrow morning, price is very fair.
Anybody any experience of these?
It’s one brand always been on my radar but never tried out.
Unfortunately no sub out from my vintage Sanyo receiver so if went the sub route would have to be on the speaker high levels, which could work of course....

Now we are on the same wavelength here, and a sideways move could end up being a backwards move, been there and done that many times!
But a change is also always fun and always educational!
I have looked at the Heresy, it had been previously suggested.
Just a little on the large side for my liking.

The Legacy studios are very good call but again doubt if can be had for $500.
You never know though.

Have no experience of Ohm speakers at all.
Actually they will sit on 26 inch high solid sand filled stands so can be a decent size in reality.
I guess monitors is a better description that bookshelf speakers.
But active will not work as being driven by a vintage Sanyo receiver, no outputs bar speaker connections.
Been doing some reading this morning.
It may take more than $500 to significantly better my existing Silver 3i speakers.
Did not realize this model was still made in England before they switched production to China.

Tbh, there is not much wrong with them but at the very low price I paid I assumed they were a cheaper speaker that it seems they truly are.
Guess I should just trust my ears, the grass is not always greener on the other side!

Still looking at options though.
Anybody got first hand experience of Revel?
Looking at a pair of M20 CW stands for a fair price.
I sort of figured the Zensor 3 would be more suited to my room tbh.
Silver line is definitely an option, a few on USA audiomart in my price range.
Not heard any paradigm speakers, will research them.