Suggestions for a streamer only (I have a great DAC)

I have a dCS Paganini DAC and Paganini Clock. I’m looking for a streamer only to pair with the Paganini to stream via Tidal.  That’s it, I don’t need a streamer/DAC/etc.  I don’t want to extra for pay for redundancy.  Any good suggestions on a streamer only  that you have paired to a high end DAC with good results would be appreciated. 


PLEASE no “try some at home on your system” responses …. that’s the reason I came here, for some recommendations. Price range $1500-$5000.




Showing 4 responses by jjss49

i agree that the ifi zen stream is really a terrific streamer for very little money, esp with an lps powering it - it has a good deal of noise filtering built into both input and output sides of it, which is why it sounds very pure

some wifi connectivity issues have been reported but i suspect software updates have solved this -- i use it with ethernet feed and roon, so have avoided some of the early pitfalls


flood gates officially open now... he he

bs node





pro ject streambox

ifi zen stream


cambridge cxn

sonore rendu

sotm sms200

metrum ambre



spin the wheel and pick one!

bluesound node

seriously, you might try some at home in your own system... 🤣