Suggestions for a cd player/transport

I am looking for a used CD player. Looking to spend between 2000 and 2500. I am currently running a Mcintosh mc275 amp, c220 preamp, California Audio Labs CL-15, and B & W matrix 805's with a Rel Strata Sub. My current player sounds a little on the bright side with my setup. I would also like SACD capability. Any suggestions?
You did mention your budget is 2000.00, however, the new PS Audio Perfectwave transport and is a true bargain for 4000.00 with trade in.
This a wonderful sounding device and is fully loaded.
We pay 4000.00 ICs.
PSaudio PerfectWave CD & Transport will have your jaw dropping in disbelief. It really is quite remarkable. I have one for sale Brand New for $2299. I paid $3000. and it comes with three year warranty. I am absolutely sold on the PSaudio PerfectWave. it just hard to find the words to describe and I was not a fan of PSaudio at all till I heard this.I auditioned the setup at CES in Vegas this year first week in january. Blown away is all I can tell you. Give it a shot audition it.