Thanks. Very nicely said. In fact I have been reviewing synergistic as well as AZ cables and have heard very good about them. Especially satori shotgun have had good reviews. Unlike speakers, which we can audition, not all dealers carry these cables, and have to rely on reviews and users experience. So this helps a lot. I am also considering AQ rocket 88 and may be used AQ oak.
Suggestion for speaker cable for aerial acoustics 7T
Hi guys, I recently bought aerial acoustics 7T: Have Naim unit nova and tried Audioquest Rocket 33 biwire. Now trying Clarus Aqua biwire. Both wires are different: Rocket 33 is just basic with slightly better on highs. Clarus aqua is good with bass and sound stage: It mellows down the highs and mids. I am still in search of better speaker cable. Don't get me wrong, the speakers are great and I love listening with either of those wires. Just want to complete my set up with best speaker cable to match these amazing speakers without burning cash (Looking to spend ~ < 1000 $). If you think, spending on speaker cables are like spending on "snake oil", PLEASE do not comment. Thanks in advance.