Suggested speakers to take the place of Dunlavy


Much as I hate to do this, it is time to give up on the dream of getting into some Dunlavy speakers. I've tried buyi8ng a couple pairs now, and the shippers have wrecked both. I have decided that I need to get a speaker from a manufacturer that's still in business.

I am looking for something with a similar sound to the dunlavy line--my big interests for a speaker are as follows--very detailed above all else, but with good tonal balance. I like a very quick bass and smooth highs. The best speaker I ever heard to my taiste was the Dunlavy SC-V driven with a Pass labs x350. Suggestions?

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Showing 1 response by gmood1

This maybe off the beaten path but what about some Innersounds.These use transmission loaded bass drivers.And I don't think you will find anything as detailed with great tonal balance as an Electrostatic speaker! Of course there best enjoyed while sitting..oh well can't have it all!

Good Luck!