Suggested amp to pair w/ Aerial 7A's on a budget

Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking for an amp to round out my current system:

Two-Channel Only-
Sources: Well Tempered Record Player, Tascam CD-450, Music Hall CD-25 (on it's way)
Speakers: Aerial 7A
Pre: C-J PV-5
Cables: Nordost- mostly Blue Heaven
Music Styles: Jazz, Female Vocals, Acoustic, and the occasional Rock & Roll

I would like to find something in the sub $1000 price range, but could go higher if needed.

Thanks in advance to all who lend a hand on this one!

Showing 1 response by beemer

Hafler 9500 or 9505. Plenty of power and within your budget. A great amp.

Musical Concepts has mods for these that really sing too.


Paul :-)