Suggest SACD Player No Video, New or Used, $1kish?

Looking for suggestions for an SACD player without Video. Used in a 2 channel audio system, and many sacd players rely on video output for settings and moving in a monitor just to setup or make changes is a pain.

New or used is OK, $1K range is a budget but some lenience there is fine.

2 channel is the goal, will drive rogue pre and wyred amps, or rogue integrated and Magnepan 3.3/R's for output.

Any and all suggestions is appreciated
Look for a Sony 595, its a changer, great chips, great sound, great value, maybe about $100
Hey Melmoth...appreciate the additional comments. I was really heading towards Marantz myself. Their stuff looks beautiful in and out and I read some great reviews on several of the pieces. W/respect to R&D there's certainly a well regarded Japanese designer (can't recall his name) associated with Marantz. On the TEAC side, the Esoteric connection is not to be overlooked although the Distinction series really does NOT share components with Esoteric pieces. Esoteric engineers reportedly consulted on the design of the TEAC series, however. The good news for me is I can't do A/Bs of TEAC vs Marantz so ignorance is bliss and I remain satisfied with the TEAC! It has worked out well in my system. Take care.
Thank you all for the responses, have some searching and researching to do.

THanks again.