Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'

Showing 2 responses by zazouswing

Hard to narrow down without repeating. +1 on Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane
Amon Duul II - Dance of the Lemmings
The Freeborne - S/T - 
Circus 2000 - S/T
The Gerbils - 2nd
The Treniers - I only have the 78’s but I think they were brought together on an album in the 60’s - 

Not quite obscure anymore - thankfully - but at the time

Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

Saw them at The Black Cat in DC around 98 when this first came out. Compared to their first album it was a departure and, initially, a bit disappointing. They were opening for Supersuckers. The club was nearly empty they played this straight through.  Despite being considered by some to be an experimental ‘noise’ band - they played this note for note. Nothing was an accident. We left before the headliners even came on - didn’t want to ruin it. There was a line of a few hundred outside that had skipped the opening act - it sold out. Fools. 

They dropped out after this album but The Gerbils (The Battle of Electricity could also make the grade here) kept some momentum going. Rumors as to why abound. Some say Jeff just got tied of everybody asking what the lyrics meant. I always assumed he dropped music to write more - or to avoid the limelight.