suggest laptop for music storage

Can you please suggest a small inexpensive laptop? It must be easy to use, and easy to set up. The Mac or pc’s sole function would be for music storage; it must have remote control to control music selection and volume. I plan to go usb dac to amplifier.
I would like download music to it in the best quality format.

Showing 1 response by hemihorn

Jax2 I found this site I tried it and sounds great on my temporary system. Thank you for the suggestion but a few hundred more than I want to spend. I will either wait until they come down or break down and spend the money.

Welcome to the MusicGiants High Definition Music Store. Browse our extensive catalog of music and purchase your favorite albums in Windows Media Audio lossless format. MusicGiants believes in honoring artists by presenting their music in full resolution the way it is intended to be heard.

High-end audio systems demand quality digital files. Compression eliminates important details and frequencies in your music. Other download services compromise sound quality by compressing audio data to as low as 128 kbps. Our Windows Media Audio format plays as high as 1100 kbps

1. What is a High Definition Music Download?
High definition music downloads are the highest quality downloads available for your home entertainment center. The sound quality of this download is equal to a CD. It is a lossless digital file, unlike the MP3 which is compressed 7 times. The High Definition download is encoded in the Lossless WMA (Windows Media Audio)

Will this work with a Mac