Sugden IA-4

I am running Devore 0/93 speakers which are massively forgiving and looking for a Solid State Integrated as a backup amp for a Push-Pull 300B integrated (coming soon).
I listen in a small room so power is a non-issue, but I do like good attack on bass, rich midsized, and a smooth, non-etched sound. My DAC helps in this regard: Lampizator Atlantic TRP with KT66 tubes.
My current integrated is tube-based (Linear Tube Audio Z10 integrated). I am presently considering the Sugden IA-4. Does anyone have any experience with this Sugden?
Ag insider logo xs@2xtransience

Showing 2 responses by kukur99

Thank you for the update. To your point about flipping, I really think I should just be happy as I've been for so long with my semi-peculiar Naim setup. I've heard the MZ3 do its thing and that's what got me started, though. Thanks again!
@transience Coming up on two years, are you still using the Sugden IA-4? Asking because I’m considering an LTA Z10 or MZ3 preamp, but your comments give me pause as a friend has very high regard for Sugden.

Despite the long time, would you be able to more insights into the differences between the LTA and Sugden? Maybe if there is any comparison around the tube sound character (or not)? The LTA units are not marketed as "tube sound," but your direct comparison with the IA-4 is more relevant and I'm curious to learn more, please.