Sudden loss of volume from turntable

Hello all. My system has developed a problem where the volume from my turntable disappears suddenly while an album is playing. This has happened a couple of times after using turntable for an hour or so. I have a modded Tecnics and Denon cartridge, into a SUT, into a pre amp phono stage. CD through the preamp functions without issue.
So maybe an issue with cartridge, tonearm wire, SUT, or phono stage on pre. Need help, were do I begin? Thanks

Showing 2 responses by halcro

This same problem just happened to me and I tracked it down to a faulty IC cable (DIN to RCA).
If you have a 'Mono' switch on your phono-stage.......that showed up the problem in my case more easily?
Good luck.
Could be the cartridge or the wires or clips........but it would be unusual to then affect BOTH channels?