Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC

I'll try to reign in my nearly unbridled enthusiasm for a recent uber-economical tweak, rolling Opamps in the Eastern Electric Minimax DAC.

On encouragement of Chris and Melissa Owens from Clarity Cable I swapped them out (note; this voids the warranty!), with resounding success. A more powerful upgrade per dollar in decades of messing with systems and tweaks does not come to mind.

My brief instructional discussion on this experience appears at

Showing 1 response by mfsoa

Mr T.

I tried the OPA2107 (dual) in the position that feeds the tubes and think that this might be up your ally. Much greater bass extension with a less in your face sound vs. stock chip and esp. vs. the 49720 which I also tried. They also come in DIP8 so you can pop them into the DAC in minutes, no soldering. Pricey at ~$16 a piece but cheap relative to some tubes and to the dramatic improvement in SQ you get.

But don't stop there, no no, get some upgraded chips (singles) for the SS output as well. I currently have OPA627 in mine and it does some things (the things that you say you like) very very well but lack air and sparkle relative to the 49710.

Doug - looking forward to your article.
