
I'm doing research on which subwoofers to pair with my Magnepan MG-IIIA's.   Do you have any recommendations. 


Showing 1 response by jsigle

Too funny how I would see this thread, since I was just thinking the other day how well my Definitive Super Cube 1 was performing. 10" 1500 watt Class D. Also within my system there are also 2 Definitive Tech. 14" 1800 watt Class D subs inside my main 7000SC's. I love my music - all of it and make no assumptions about what I listen to because I'm running 5600 watts of low frequencies! (I'm giggling as I type) Response down to 11 and 13hz if I remember correctly. 

If you've ever seen the movie "Interstellar" you'll appreciate what I'm about to say. When their ship takes off from earth, my house lifts off it's foundation and separates as it travels through our atmosphere, dropping stages until it reaches space and sound drops off as my house continues to beam through space. You feel like you are floating for a moment only because the house stopped shaking!