Subwoofer with center channel

Does anyone here use a subwoofer with a center channel? I was watching a Riverside concert dvd today and was surprised by the amount of content being sent to the center channel. My Sonus Faber center speaker sounds good, but I wonder what I might be missing.  I have a decent NHT SubTwo I subwoofer that I'm not using. Maybe I should give it a try.. 


Showing 1 response by george_r

I run a subwoofer with my CC. Mid-bass or bass bin is a better description. I have thought about replacing my old Infinity Prelude Compositions; Mains - Model P-FR (2 ea.), and Center - P-CC, but they fit perfect in my small theater and still sound great and the foam surrounds are still as new.

The one deficiency was the center channel would only go down to 150Hz when running Audyssey on my Marantz AV7705. I had an unused Rane AC 22B crossover and an AuraSound NS10-513-4A in 1 cubic ft sealed enclosure I had built along with a spare amplifier channel and added it under my center channel to help fill the gap. I ran Audyssey with the bass bin added and the CC is now set at 80Hz and dialog and CC sound seems fuller and more natural. I have a TC Sounds LMS Ultra 5400 18" and 2 ea. LMS-R 15’s for actual subwoofer duty.