subwoofer suspended from ceiling?

I have an open trussed ceiling. I am thinking about suspending the subwoofer between two trusses. My question is as follows- will the quality of sound be negatively impacted if I move the subwoofer from the floor (concrete slab) to a suspended location up in the ceiling? Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by rives

We've done a number of designs with soffit mounted subs. There are issues, vibration, making a very rigid mount, but if you can over come those it can work well. In most cases the floor is simplier, and it's what most people do, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's best.

The 1/2 between floor and ceiling as Eric points out can sound very good. It cancels out the height mode which is typically the dominant axial mode. We do this regularly in our designs