subwoofer suggestions

Looking for sub with balance between tuneful bass for music and deep bass for movies to be 0.1 part of Monitor Audio Apex 5.1 speaker system. Front speakers go down into low 50Hz while rears go down to mid 60s. Room is 8' high x 18' wide x 12' deep, is reasonably well treated, but size will limit the longest waves. While there is no point in overloading room with a giant box and driver, pressure and speed with good tone are all desirable assets. Upper budget is about $1500, but I will consider more budget conscious options.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
Do JL have high level inputs? I know they are great, sub that has made my pants legs flap.
Quality of subs depends about speed, timing and level of integration. Stiffness and light materials are very important. Same thing can be said about the quality of the magnet. In reality most subwoofers regarding price are too slow. Reason? Response of the lowfreq. unit is too f.... slow. I hate those. So I hate many to be honnest. Because it is very simple to test subwoofers for timing, speed and response.

Many people think that big subwoofers who can go deep are great subwoofers. In real many of them are still slow. JL is a brand who makes good and fast subwoofers. Stil there are many who are not fast enough.

Last week I received the new reference of subwoofer interconnects from Audioquest. The Wild Dog. This one is pure 100% silver and is very very thick. And yess this increases the speed and timing a lot. I will write a review about it soon.
They should shave whatever input you need. If in the future you want to go to balanced inputs they have them as well.