Subwoofer meshes well with 2-channel?

I hadn't really given it much thought before, but will a sub work well with a 2-channel system (when reproducing music) or does it just muddy things up? I have full-range speakers (Tyler Linbrook Sig's) that go down to 30hz or so, and have 2 7" Seas drivers. I had considered getting bigger speakers that have more drivers, but this would be a more economical option, rather than getting some huge 300lb speaker that requires a crate to ship on.

If this the case, is there a particular reason that huge speakers are common, vs. a smaller speaker and subwoofer combo?

Showing 2 responses by dawgcatching

Thank you for the suggestions.

I was thinking of a sub mainly from the standpoint of getting a more realistic "full" sound when reproducing full orchestral passages at higher volumes. These do go down pretty low, and I am not sure I need something that goes "lower" than 30hz, but something that moves more air may create more realism. For example, the speakers I could upgrade to (Tyler D1's) don't go lower, but they move more air (larger cabinets and 4 drivers vs. 2 on my LSS) which is why I thought that perhaps I could get the soundstage I am looking for out of the full-range D2 and still add a sub for realistic low-end.

I have tons of room tuning baffles around, so I bet I can limit any weird interactions. Just putting some panels in the corners really tightened up the bass.

I haven't looked into subs, but I assume they have built-in crossovers? Just plug the RCA/XLR's in from the Main 2 outs on my preamp?

I don't need a sub to replicate rock or hip-hop music. I just want my system to do a good job re-creating a double bass, for example.
Wow, that got pretty technical for my limited knowledge of subwoofers and sound waves!

So, the gist of what was being said is that there is no dis-advantage to going with a 2 way speaker (or a 2.5 or 3 way, but not something with a huge MTM design) and adding a sub. In fact, it may be superior, and a whole lot more versatile (not wrestling with a 250lb speaker with 5 drivers et cetera). If done right, it will add weight to the music, especially when the music needs weight, such as in orchestral passages. Sound about right?