Subwoofer insight.

This is new territory to me. Current speakers are 2 way with frequency response of 60Hz-20KHz with +/- 2dB.  Sensitivity rated as 86dB. Chance to purchase a pair of REL 7 tis. I feel like I am missing something but will have to buy the subs to try out. My basic question is this. Does this purchase sound wise? I know what I am willing to spend but do you think I will notice an appreciable improvement.  I know that no one can listen through my ears but this is my first time doing this. Source is 75 watt integrated tube amp, McIntosh MA-2275. Thoughts appreciated. I am leaning towards going forward with the deal but would appreciate some feedback. Room is large and open, 28X38 feet with 9 foot ceilings. Thanks for any feedback.

Showing 7 responses by ricmci

There are separate right and left 8 ohm taps on the integrated so seems okay for connection purposes.  Main speakers hooked to the 4 ohm taps. Super nice guy I dealt with today.  He gave me a couple of weeks to see if they work for me.  Now I just need to figure out how to get these jokers dialed in properly.  Thank you Eric for the room treatment advice. I recognize that the room size is somewhat of a problem.  I think the best I am going to be able to accomplish is maybe some local treatments around the equipment.  My wife is never going to allow anything hanging on wall.  I don't blame her.  It is as much as her house as mine.  I also appreciate Millercarbon advice on more subs but no way she is going to let cables run across her main living area.  Anyways, I got them hooked up without dialing in or proper positioning.  First impression is good.  Somewhat of guttural feeling or sensation.  Never listened through subs before so it is different indeed.  Need a little more time to get it as right as situation allows, watch some videos, read some discussions, etc on how to do it properly recognizing that there are limitations without professional room treatments and the like.  Any pointers (either personal or recommended videos or articles) from those who have similar experience as I am going though on how to properly dial them in would be appreciated.
As they say, you only know what you know. So far I have been impressed with my results with the RELs.  I suppose I would need to move outside my comfort zone to take the advice what many are saying here.  I do feel like the air is moving.  The only thing that seems bothersome is having to readjust the volume based on what is playing.  Sometimes to boomy.  Seems to be album to album.  Not song to song. Maybe I am doing something wrong but only had them 1 day.  

For Elliotbnewbcombjr, I think what you are saying is to come out of the 4ohm taps that the main speakers are coming out of to the high level input of the RELs.  I could easily do as I have female banana spades on the REL high level cable.  However, REL says best to come out of 8ohm or 16 ohm taps.  Appreciate your insight.  
I appreciate all the responses. It has been a long stretch of working 10 nights. Now got 5 days off. Plan on trying to tune them in as best I can the next few days. Should be a good time and am excited to simply enjoy the music more than anything (no music except car radio for the last 10 days). Arghh! Might even try some of the alternative recommendations on connections that others have suggested here. Right now have connected as suggested by REL. I have been following this thread and even though it drifted off topic a few times and got over my head with building crossovers and the such, I appreciate everyone’s insight. Stay well.
Thanks Brad, easier said than done. I have often said to myself the same question. I know no one whom participates in these activities so borrowing is not an immediate option. Sure, I could make a local effort and see what is available but that is not who I am. Sure, I could use more power and more efficient speakers. To my ears the sound is quite pleasing. I’m sure I could hook something else up and be hooked. I don’t plan on that until I have to since quite happy with what I have. Just trying to optimize what I have.  Wasn’t looking to redo my system.  As said earlier, you only know what you know. Knowing more does not necessarily make life less complicated. In this situation, it actually makes it more complicated. Today, I listened to a DMB vinyl box set (1998) I bought for my wife as a present and just loved it with subs on rather than off. I don’t need perfection. Listening to it on my system sounds 99 percent better than anything else I have ever heard. Not saying 99 percent better than what everyone here has. Far from. Just saying 99 percent better than “The best of what’s around”!
I’m so sorry ieales but I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Read it multiple times but still don’t get it. Any chance you could say it without the subliminal messaging?
Just watched that entire lecture.  Wasn't sure if that was Earl Geddes' theory or @ millercarbon's theory?  If I have to get a microphone and other equipment to start measuring all of this then I am in trouble. Are there any professionals out there who can be hired whom specialize in this? Not asking specifically for my area but in general.  Just like I do something specific for a fee, does this service exist?