Subwoofer: How low should I go?

My B&W 683s are rated at 38Hz - 22kHz.

I've been toying with the idea of a small subwoofer to augment the low end a bit. My apartment is pretty tiny, and in a crowded NYC building so I don't have room for a big sub and don't need or want earth shaking bass, just a little more oomph.

The sub I've been looking at is the Velodyne Microvee. It fits the bill size wise. But it's rated at 38–120 Hz.

My question is, do those numbers mean the sub covers exactly the same low end as my speakers, making it useless? Do I need to go with a lower frequency sub to hear a difference?


Showing 2 responses by mrjstark

It is all about the quality.
What you do not want is a boom box.
Get Rel. Good value and good performer.
Size is also NYC frendly. I should know - I live here.

Happy listening and
enjoy the music

To help you isolate the sub from the floor use cheap "Subdude" platform from Auralex. About $60.
