Subwoofer for Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand

I know that there are many subwoofers that can blend well with any speaker.
I was curious if any VA owners have found one type of Brand/model to work better with The Vienna Acoustic Concert Grand series?

Showing 3 responses by timo62

Thanks for the feed back everyone and the suggestions on types of subs ,equalizers , processors and room correction equipment.
I have been looking into the brand name subwoofers mentioned on this thread. My concern has been focused on proper blend/integration with my speakers.

Will have to look into the equalization components more. Seems like the Bryston 10B-Sub and other related equipment could be very helpful in the blend/intergration process.

I use to have Vandersteens 2WQ sub along with the 2CE. The 2WQ was a great sub and blended perfect with the speakers.
A true audiophile type sub, but it did not blend with my Mozarts do to the set crossover level in the 2wq. I am trying to replicate that blend with the Vienna Acoustics with a sub.
I would just back and buy the new version of the Vandy 2Ce Sig2 with the 2wq , but I find the Viennna acoustic more open sounding and tonally pleasing.

I need to explore the options suggested here with the blend of sub and equalizer/processors equipment. Also , it would be nice to find a place where one could see and hear these combinations demonstrated.

At the same time I might have to explore further up the Vandersteen food chain of speakers to see if any thing sparks my interest.

Thanks again for the advice and information.

Thanks for the info and feedback! The link for The sound Doctor#2 SUBS supplied by Neuphonix is amazing!