Subwoofer for music, how low?

I am looking for a pair of subs for music. I plan on having four if the two can blend with my speakers.

I have the Tekton Double Impact and tomorrow I will get a set of Buchardt S400Mk2.

I have been looking at the REL T/9x but the only go down to 27Hz at -3db. Should a sub not go down to 20Hz?

I live in Denmark so I have fewer options. I really like the swarm sub array but to costly to get it to Denmark.

I am looking for recommendations. It could be DIY or a specific sub.

I am open for suggestions


Merry Christmas



Dear @golfnutz  : 1+ .

Two subs are enough to listen MUSIC at one seat position, the key is " one seat position ". Normally to listen MUSIC we all need only one seat position that's normally is the best position not only for the bass range but for the mid and high frequency ranges. We have to take care what is happening at that seat position because is the one we use to listen MUSIC in a stereo way.



Who cares what happens out that precise seat position ?


First than all mi and high frequency ranges are the main issues to put in position the speakers in a way that  between the seat position exist a mate/married.

Any one of you can make a simple test: move 1" the angle/position of one of your stereo speakers and you will know what I'm talking about.


Listen MUSIC in a stereo system is something personal/individual that we can enjoy it at maximum only at one seat position because MUSIC is not only bass but a wide frequency range.
