Subwoofer for music, how low?

I am looking for a pair of subs for music. I plan on having four if the two can blend with my speakers.

I have the Tekton Double Impact and tomorrow I will get a set of Buchardt S400Mk2.

I have been looking at the REL T/9x but the only go down to 27Hz at -3db. Should a sub not go down to 20Hz?

I live in Denmark so I have fewer options. I really like the swarm sub array but to costly to get it to Denmark.

I am looking for recommendations. It could be DIY or a specific sub.

I am open for suggestions


Merry Christmas



Showing 1 response by woots

I use two REL S-812's in my stereo set up.  I have the crossover between 20/30 HZ and sit them right next to my Wilson Alexia speakers.  Did I NEED sub's? Absolutely not....however, they have added so much depth and soundstage to my system that I will always have subs no matter what type of speakers I own.  Goal is to have an array of 3 on each side (6 total) to further enhance the "live" experience.