Subwoofer boom is too much for me...

Could I tone down the boom on my subwoofer by plugging the port with something like a washcloth?  Have you ever tried this and had success?

Thanks for your thoughts.




Showing 3 responses by mikeydee

Well, I have to say I took two washcloths and stuffed them into the ports of both my subwoofers and there is a big improvement in sound.

I have subwoofer in from DAC amp and out to bookshelf for both channels.  Sounds great now.

I still think a good pair of floor-standers would sound better, but for now, I'm happy.




I am using two subs.  My girlfriend has an old pair of JBLs with an old 80s era receiver, which sounds way better than my rig.



If you go to a jazz club and hear a stand-up bass, it's clear, but not boomy.  Same with the double basses in an orchestra.  The low notes resonate, but they don't bowl you over.