Subwoofer boom is too much for me...

Could I tone down the boom on my subwoofer by plugging the port with something like a washcloth?  Have you ever tried this and had success?

Thanks for your thoughts.




Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Subwoofers can be a real love hate relationship and most people are better off without them. People are led into believing subs add performance to a system with integration methods that are worse than stupid. This is the industry trying to make a living any old which way. 

Rules of the road; The minimum number of subwoofers in a high performance system is two. The minimum cross over point in a high performance system is 80 Hz. High performance subwoofer systems have to use a full two way crossover not just a low pass filter. If you want to get the most out of a subwoofer system with the least amount of effort, digital subwoofer management with room control is a must. Without the ability to align the subwoofers in time with the main speakers, lack of digital subwoofer management forces the user into trial and error positioning usually forcing the placement of the subwoofers into positions where they can be up to 9 dB less efficient. With digital subwoofer management you can place the subs in corners where they are most efficient and delay the signal to the main speakers so the sound from all drivers reaches the listening position at the same time in phase. 

The OP can plug his ports and it will roll of the frequency response earlier which may seem to improve sound quality. It is purely subjective. It is an easy and easily reversible thing to do. I do not even know why the question is being asked, just do it and see or hear what happens.