Subwoofer advice

So looking to add a new component (or 2) to my system (Snell Type D, McCormack .5 or Jolida 502b, Schiit Saga pre, Rega Planet, Dual 1219 TT) and contemplating a sub.  Basement room is 14'w x 30'l x 7.5'h and treated with first reflection points and base traps on front wall.  Interested in the REL T series, either the T7i or T9i.  The Snells have 8" woofers so not sure the T7i at 8" will make a significant difference.  The room might be too big as well.  So it might have to be the T9i at 10".  Looking to supplement clean low end not anything bloated or overbearing.  

Any thoughts greatly appreciated!

Showing 4 responses by pkatsuleas

Should have known to provide more info!  Noble, the rig I am using right now is the Schiit Saga (tube/passive) with the McCormack.  Sounds great but I know the tubes will be calling me back eventually.  2 channel only.  Budget really is $1k but could stretch just a bit.  Been looking at used but nothing good yet.  Missed a local HSU that seemed promising.  Not stuck on REL, just seems a safe bet from the research I've done so far.  And recommendations from a few dealers, one who doesn't even sell REL.  Speakers on the short wall pulled out about 4'.

Mcreyn, I have been researching the high pass filter and one day I might go that route.  Does seem like the most logical way to maximize potential.  For now I would just like to get a sub in my system to experiment.  I will look deeper into the SVS.  Thanks for the knowledge! 

And yes, love the Type D.  Spent $700 on them 10yrs ago and they've been great.  Auditioned many more in the sub $2k range and for me they were the favorite.  The McCormack tightened everything up and makes them shine even more.  The Saga pre at close-out B stock pricing was a big surprise!  Sounds great


Thanks very much to all of the bassheads!  Great info pretty much in sync with what I've been researching.  A bunch of good suggestions.  Seems like the consensus is 2 subs for my size room - makes sense.  Always wanted to hear Audiokinesis' stuff.  Unfortunately way out of my budget at this time.  Basically, I have around $1500 to blow.  Was thinking a sub and DAC (see other thread in digital).  Really need to get up to speed with digital.  So, its a balancing act.  I started out thinking better sub and an inexpensive DAC like a Dragonfly. Now I'm leaning towards spending a bit more on a good dac/streamer.  

As far as the subs go, there are two local on CL that seem promising - a HSU vtf-3 mk-4 and a SVS pc-2000.  Any opinions there?  Really just want to experiment and start with one before jumping into 2 subs and a high pass filter (pretty sure I will get there eventually!).  I have had good luck with used in the past and it has given me good bang for my buck.

Thanks again
Sorry m-db, don't get your post.  "saddened"?  Nothing wrong with having an opinion.  I welcome all information, and all opinions, as long as your not a d-bag.
Thanks again Tim for your detailed responses.  Would love to check out the Swarm someday.  If anyone in the Chicago area has it I'd be happy for an invite.  ;-)

Phusis, I am exploring DIY speakers and will probably be doing a standmount design of some type soon.  A sub kit is possible in the future.  Thanks for the good info!

So, went ahead and picked up the local Hsu vtf-3 mk4 today.  This thing is certainly a beast!  Actually pulled my back getting it home (no joke!).  Very good condition, about 3 years old.  Messed around with it a little bit but it will take a lot more to get it dialed in.  Lots of different tuning options, hours of fun.  I already know that it will have to be set at low volume.  It can rattle the drywall on high!  Have the crossover around 35 Hz right now.   My Snells supposedly hit 36.

The poor guy I got it from obviously didn't do his research before buying.  Had it in a 12 x 12 room.  It was borderline painful  when he turned it up!  He was happy to see it go. 

Thanks again!