Substitute for Shindo in the UK

Hello there,

i have been fascinated by Shindo for a while but alas they have no UK distributor. Indeed the internet seems to indicate that Shindo amps might actually be illegal to import to the EU! 

I was was wondering if anyone with some experience could suggest anything that is anything like Shindo that I might be able to get access to in the UK?


Showing 1 response by frazeur1

I don’t know if the OP is still looking, and some- maybe many will scoff at this idea, but in the UK, why not look to your very own Glenn Croft hand-made tubed and hybrid equipment made right in the UK?

I like to call Croft Acoustics Shindo on the cheap. Sure, it doesn’t have the mystical cache’ of Shindo, but Glenn’s equipment is very good, especially his preamplifier sand phono stages.

One of his Micro 25R or RS, along with built in phono stage, or even better, a line stage version with outboard Croft phono stage and call it done. Glenn will also modify/improve things further if you want, but most of these will come in less expensive than Shindo, and still hang with it. You just won’t get that nice green casing or glass front etc. just great value. FWIW