Subs/Monitors vs Full-Range Speakers - Pros/Cons

I've enjoyed a variety of full-range (near full-range) speakers over the years, but I recently decided to give some monitors a try. Inevitably - as would be expected - I like the strengths of the monitors (imaging, sound-staging, ability to disappear...), but I do miss the extended bass response.

I am currently running the Pioneer S-2EX (truly exceptional monitors ' "junior TADs"). I like them well enough to either keep them and incorporate a sub(s) or trade up to the S-1EX floor-standers - they sound great too (with the extended bass I want), but they just don't image quite as well in my room) - I could live with them though, if a sub setup with the S-2EXs doesn't pan out...

I'm looking at JL audio subs. I would rather utilize one sub ("cost" factor) than two... My concern is whether or not a good sub can truly ever be effectively integrated with monitors. I’m hoping so…

Can those of you having had successful integration with subs provide me with some guidance…Can I get by with one sub or is a stereo pair truly necessary. My monitors go down to 38Hz – is that “40Hz range” crossover point low enough provide a seamless integration (i.e.: will I be able to tell where the sub is when it “kicks in”)? How difficult is placement? General pros/cons…etc…?



Showing 1 response by rockadanny

Xti16 - dual subs in my system are not for more bass, but for smoother bass response. If properly set up, two or more subs can reduce nulls/peaks where one sub cannot.