Sub Question

I tried to do a search, but could not drill down on this. Anyway, I have never owned a sub. I never really felt the need. However, I had a friend tell me that a sub does more than just enhance bass output and perhaps bass quality. He went on to say that having a sub takes pressure off the driver thus making the speaker do less work. Because of this, the speakers will sound better or have better clarity. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by bjpd57a1

Well, IMHO, I have found my subs. to not only provide
a solid foundation, indeed taking the pressure off the
main speakers.

My personal Biggest surprise, is how the vocals are

much more full, and life like.

Never expected that. Huge +!

All instruments, become much more distinct and dynamic.

Given the right subs. in the right set-up, adjusted

just right, they (the subs) will disappear.

Most folks, NEVER imagined I use 3 subwoofers.

Because, I am not out for the "one note bass"

like the people get with the 18" sub. in a Civic.

But only YOU can decide, what is BEST for You!

I can assure you, that music, and movies, will

NEVER be the same, with the likes of a couple

of Velodynes best subs. an 18" an 2 each 15"'s

they are just idling, and they smooth each other out.

Flat at about 11 hz. which is plenty deep IMHO,

especially playing organ music.

Careful! Crockery, and dishes, have been destroyed.

"Seismic", becomes a word that your friends will,

start using, when say a 44 magnum is fired in a movie,

you HEAR what it REALLY sounds like.

Automatic weapons, are frighting, as they sound so real.

Check out some subs. in your listening room, listen,

your ears will let you know, when you are in the

"Butter Zone", where it is ALL Good!

Not exaggerated low frequency response, but just

"Life-like" reproduction.

I Love Music