Sub for single-driver desktop speakers

Hi there audio friends. Can you suggest a musical subwoofer for use with my new desktop speakers?  I just got the Arche Audio FR2 single driver speakers, they sound good, but I would like some more low midtone/bass. They only go down to 100hz. I don’t need a big powerful sub, just something to extend the range down to maybe 60 or 50 hz, to add a little «soy sauce to the rice», so to speak. The sub should not interfere with the purity of the single driver design.

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

Showing 1 response by dekay

Good to see you are trying the Arche's.


Don't know if they are still in production but years ago I tried/liked a small Gallo sub (TR2) with various widerange single drivers (including 3"-4.5" Japanese drivers).


Also tried it with their little "ball" speakers.


Think the sub's crossover defaulted to 100Hz when using the speaker cable connections (adjustable when using the low level connection).

